Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So my last post I thought of easing off the intensity and increasing the distance. Well I didn't quite do that as a limited schedule only had room for more intensity, and now my right quad tendon is giving me trouble. After 15 miles of a planned 50 mile trip, it started hurting. I decided to keep going for a bit and see what happened, but it only got worse. I turned around at mile 20 and had 20 more to pedal back in pain, so the following day it I woke up and it was hurting. I followed RICE - Rest Ice Compression and Elevation for the next three days pretty solidly. Then, thinking it was back to normal I attempted an 18 mile ride with a friend, but the last 3 miles were in pain. I'm not sure what's causing this, my guess is either over use from the intensity work I've been doing all winter or a muscle imbalance. I'll find out tomorrow with the PT.

Even though I already registered and paid for my first 200 km, I decided not to go. 126 miles with over 11,000' of climbing will do nothing but serious damage to my knee.

In fact, all my Brevet plans are up in the air now. I'm seeing a physical therapist Wednesday, so I'll see what he says and keep off the bike until then. I'm taking a trip out to Seattle Thursday, so that will give me 5 days off the bike. I'll most likely try riding the rollers when I get back next Tuesday.

Not riding a Brevet is no big deal, and I have no problem accepting that I won't get to ride most of the Brevets I want to, if any. However, I want to be problem free for a 4,000 mile trip cross country with my brother and two friends that starts mid-June, so that's what I need to concentrate on.

Unfortunately it seems like my long distance blog is turning into a recovery blog, but I hope it will be short and I can get in the New York 300k.

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