Friday, February 22, 2008


Because of the timing that flu kept me off the bike for 9 straight days, aside from the short commute to school and back.

Now, there is 3" of snow on the ground and promises of freezing rain for the next 8 hours.

That 150 mile training ride at the end of march is starting to look dubious, considering the longest I've ridden this winter is 70 miles. I'll try and get in a ride Saturday if the roads aren't too bad but who knows? Sunday is my brothers birthday ride which will likely be short, so I may head out for an extra 30 or 40 miles afterwards.

School commitments had me tied up and starving until 1:30 yesterday, so there wasn't much of a chance to get a good long ride in before rush hour traffic would come into play. Instead, I opted for another gym workout sans ab work. This time it was 30 minutes on the rowing machine with two short intervals worked in, back extensions and two different back machines. I feel somewhat sore today, showing I didn't overdo it yesterday and the next workout can be more intense. If the weather turns for the worse again, I can return to the gym and use the days the roads are too dangerous to ride on as rest days. Eventually I'd like to spend an hour on the rowing machine, the back strength will be worth it despite it's mind and butt numbing nature.

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